Monday 23 April 2018

List Building Strategies: 4 Effective Ways To Build A Large List Of Hungry Prospects

Now you need list building strategies

List building is probably the most crucial thing you could do to consistently build your business and maintain a steadily rising income.

How would you feel if you could rake in thousands of dollars for just sending out one email?
Pretty good I'd bet. Well that's exactly what targeted list building can do for you.

Once you have your list, you can almost make cash at will with just one click of a mouse,  as long as you promote a good product and you have a close bond with your subscribers.

Think of it this way: let's say you have a list of even just 5000 people and you send out an email with a product that you get $20 for. Even if just 1% purchased that product, you just pocketed a cool thousand dollars!

So without further adieu, here are some proven techniques to build your list fast:

List Building Strategy # 1: Make a compelling offer, but don't offer too much.

I'm sure you've seen plenty of opt in pages, but what you may not have noticed is the incentive. Sometimes people don't offer much; and yet sometimes they may also offer too much, which makes for a difficult thing to keep up with.

You want to find a good balance. You, of course, must offer something or the public will simply overlook your opt in; but then if you offer everything in one go, they won't have a reason to stay on your list. So what can we do in this situation?

You can offer something like a 7-day course in which the subscriber will get a new email everyday for 7 days on "how to do something."  After those 7 days are up, you could simply market them a much larger, more in-depth course that will bring them to the next level. If the 7-day course has helped them, people would be more than willing to grab something that would help them even more.

But what about making them stay after they finished the free course (and hopefully ordered the paid one)? You could tell them that you will give them more useful gifts from time to time; but make sure you keep your promise. You could join some PLR or resale right site and find quality stuffs that you can give away to your list every now and then. That would be a major factor for them to stay.

List Building Strategy # 2: Build more than a list; build relationships.

Building just a list of subscribers isn't enough to keep your clients happy. If you treat them like numbers on a list, you will not get a good response and most likely you won't keep them on your list very long.

When your list has questions, answer them fully and wholeheartedly with compassion for the subscriber's problem. This will instill confidence that you are the authority on the subject matter.

Once you have established great relationships with your list and have gained their trust, these people will also be more likely to tell their friends about you, and buy any product you promote (if they need or want it).

After you have gained their trust, you don't want to break it by offering them bogus products or ignoring their problems. Put your list as one of your top priorities to ensure your success.

List Building Strategy # 3: Make it easy to sign up and have an opt-in section everywhere.

You have a network of sites and web 2.0 properties. You are going to have visitors coming to you from all different pages, not necessarily just one. Knowing this, you should have an opt in section - or at least an attractive link to your squeeze page -  on as many of these pages as possible.

On top of having as many opt in sections as you can, you should also make it real easy to sign up. If your potential subscriber is staring at an opt-in section that is asking them for 20 different pieces of information, they will be very reluctant to sign up.

Keep it short, simple and to the point. Getting their name and e-mail address is enough in most cases.

List Building Strategy # 4: Buy the ad, not the list.

It can take some time to build a good extensive list, and people are always looking for shortcuts. Well buying lists is not the way to go.

Yes you may be able to buy a large list and feel confident that you can market to it, but there's a couple problems with doing this.

The first being that nine times out of ten when you are buying a list, you are buying from a spammer, and they did not get their list ethically and most likely used spamming tactics to gather the info.

The other problem, and probably most important one, is that you have no idea if these are targeted prospects - even if the list was built ethically. This list you bought could have been built with tons of different methods and you have no way of knowing if the audience is targeted to your niche.

You must have a targeted audience if you're going to market anything. If you are in the golf niche and you buy a list, there's a very good chance there are from all different niches - maybe dog training or pet supplies, maybe they were looking for movie info or PC games.

Now none of those people would be interested in being on your golf list, because it has nothing to do with what they originally gave their info away for.

What you could do is pay for a solo ad in a newsletter that caters to your niche. If you're in the natural health niche for example, you could pay to advertise your squeeze page in a natural health newsletter. That way, all the people who subscribed to your list are interested in the information you're providing.

Implement these list building strategies to grow your list fast so you can have more targeted prospects to market to.

Increase Online Traffic: 3 Techniques To Generate Hordes Of Traffic To Your Sites

How To Generate Hordes Of Traffic To Your Sites

Learning how to increase online traffic is the number one priority that all internet marketers need to focus on. The volume of traffic, or lack thereof, determines how successful your online endeavors will be.

Getting the traffic you desire is not based on luck; it is simply an art that needs to be tested and applied. The more you test and find out the things that work and don't work, the better you will get at it; and before you know it, you would be able to conjure up visitors anywhere and anytime you want to.

Here are 3 excellent tips to increase online traffic and grab those hungry visitors.

Traffic Generation Technique # 1: Web 2.0

Set up multiple sites like blogger, hubpages and squidoo lenses; and then ping them all. Pinging is an online service that sends out the word about your web 2.0 properties being created or updated. These crawlers go out, collect information, and send them back to the search engines to be indexed.

You also need to be sure to update your web 2.0 properties regularly to increase your online traffic. Search engines look for new, original and unique content; so if your blog or site hasn't been updated in  months, then the search engines might simply overlook them.

Be sure to stay active in the community. Reading and commenting on other web 2.0 properties in your niche will show your active participation in the online community and boost your credibility; hence, it will be easier to persuade people to go over to your site and check out what more you have to say.

Simply add your URL at the end of a comment you leave on someone else's blog or site, but you must be informative! You shouldn't just comment "nice post" and then add your URL. This will look like you aren't active and you're just trying to get some links to yourself; and nine times out of ten, you will be passed over by other users.

Traffic Generation Technique # 2: Forums

There are tons of forums in a million different niches. You can see what the hot topics are and what people are talking about. This can help in choosing exactly what you're going to be marketing in the first place.

Knowing what the hot topics are - and knowing what problems the people in your niche are facing - can help you build a structure in which to market exactly what people are looking for.

Join in on the conversation and be informative. Give useful advice to resolve their problems. Give them tips or tricks to help them along the way.

Some forums allow what's called a signature file; others don't because they discourage marketing. Search for the forums that allow signature files and post in these forums.

In this signature box, you should put the URL of your website. Don't just put your link; add a little bit of information like "Remove unsightly blemishes and be acne free today!" and turn the whole sentence into a link to your site.

Capture Your Customers With an Autoresponder

You can't afford to let one customer leave your blog without getting their email address (with their permission, of course)! How do y...