Businesses Email Marketing

Businesses That Use Email Marketing

Email Marketing and Restaurants

Here is the start of samples I will show how email marketing can be used for businesses. I realise that you may be in another business, and hopefully, I'll cover your business. But if I don't, I would like you to see how this can be applied to what you are doing to what is shown here. The purpose is to get your creative juices following and apply what you see to your business. With that said, let's start...

If you are in the restaurant business, here is how email marketing can be used to get your customers to come back again and again.

The Vine Restaurant

If this is your name, you could have that as the name of your newsletter. What you would typically put in your newsletter is:

Your meal of the day
Entertainment for this coming Saturday
Wednesday “buy one and get the second meal half price”
“Happy Hour” October 22, 2017

You get the idea.

To get customers back in to your restaurant, you can entice them with specials, especially on days that you are slow. You can keep them up to date on “meal of the day.” You can let them know of entertainment, who is singing and the time. Other special events. To fill in the email, you could have a recipe – providing your chef doesn't mind sharing his secrets ;-)

You can easily liven up the email by providing pictures of:

the meal special

the special singer coming to your establishment

picture of guests having a good time

Getting People to Sign Up

You can have cards printed that has the announcement of your newsletter. You can offer for free a recipe on how you make Beef Wellington that everyone loves. You can offer them a 15% discount when they sign up and bring in the code that they'll see in the email. In short, you should offer an incentive for them, but also tell them that they will be kept up to date on what is going on.

If you have a night club, you can do pretty much the same as the people who have restaurants.

The advantage with having people join your email list is, that you will have an advantage over just posting this to your Facebook page. When someone gets an email, you have their undivided attention, whereas on social media, you are fighting for your customers attention in the sea of “friends” that they have – which really aren't friends as you never met them and have nothing in common except being on the internet!

Keep in mind, that the older customers you have, and probably those who spend the most money are not on Facebook. The percentage of senior citizens on Facebook is much lower than, say those in their 20s. But, these older people usually have an email address. So, by sending them your weekly email you'll let them know what is going on.

In this day and age of iphones, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, the 50+ year old people are left out, but with email marketing you can still reach them.

The Consulting Business and Email Marketing

If you are in the consulting business – no matter what kind – you can benefit by having email marketing set up. If you consult in: the legal profession, taxes, business, etc., you can provide helpful information to your clients or potential clients. Few consultants do this, which is good for you. You can be sure that when clients get on a consultant's list, they would appreciate the helpful information.

When people go to your website or stop in your office, many times they are not in the market to engage in your services at the time – they are checking out the market. But if you have them on your email list and you send them information once a week, who do you think they will think of when it does come time to buy? You, of course! And this, they appreciate it.

Naturally, whatever you counsel people in, you don't “give away the barn.” Your money is in providing information but there is a lot more that you can write about in your newsletter that will not effect what you do. If you do write on a topic that you charge client for, you give a little information out. In short, “You sell the sizzle but not the bacon!” Don't be cheap in what you write about. Don't forget this is the age of the internet, people can find a lot out on their own by doing a Google search, yet you are still in business. So, give them a little about what you do in the form of a newsletter.

Another area you can write on that will provide you with a lot of content and that is on the news as it affects your business. If you are an attorney and a new inheritance law was passed you can write on that. Even though your client may not be writing up their Will now, one day will and think of you when that day arrives. You client could be sitting at home thinking about this new law and, Bingo, your email arrives the next day. Do other attorneys do that? No! This makes you look in your client's eyes.

All of this can only be done with a good autoresponder. Do you have one? If not, Click Here to find out more.

Home Repair Business 

No matter what kind of home repairs that you do you can benefit from email marketing. If you are a plumber, heating and cooling man, electrician or roofer, you can add more value in what you do with very little cost on your end. How? By sending out emails to your subscribers giving them valuable tips on:

what to look for if something is going bad

what you can do to prevent damage

what you can do until a repairman (meaning you :-) gets there

little things you can do yourself

how to spot a scammer

I'm sure you can see the value you can provide. What other repairman does this? I can't think of any but the businesses that do will be far ahead of their competitors. Your customers will love this and it could save them money. When something goes wrong, who will they think of? You!

Now, if you are a repairman you might think “They will not call me!” No, because you are not telling them everything. Also, they are not a qualified plumber; they know it and they know that they could screw it up if did the repairs themselves. Assuming you are an honest repairman, they will know what to look for to see if something is being done right.

Say the person is your mailing list but they are not a customer. They have been reading your emails and they have a plumbing problem and they call someone else out. This other repairman tells them something that they NOW know is not true. What do you think they will do? If they are smart, they will tell the other guy to bugger off and they will call you. And all of this is because you have an email list with GOOD information in it. Now, that is marketing!

If you are not a repairman but you get this free valuable information, wouldn't you appreciate it? Sure you would!

With all the other types of repairs that can be done around the home, there is a lot you can write about. Naturally, you don't tell them everything but there is enough in the email to be helpful.

Many people are afraid of “Cowboy Builders,” as they are called in England. In fact, there is a TV show on this. If you send out emails that instruct and inform people, they will see you as the guy to go to.

There are a lot of scammers and con artists out there but if you have helpful information that you send out to customers they will appreciate it. If you have already done work for someone, go back to their home a month later just to say “Hello” and ask them how everything is. Now, don't push any other work on them – which they will expect you to do. When you do this, they will be surprised and very happy. Then, all you do is, ask them if they would like to subscriber to your newsletter. Most of them will. You can give them a print out of something that you did write about so they see the quality of your emails.

With this done, there will be a good chance that they will tell their neighbour or family member if they need work done. So, make sure you give them extra business cards. In fact, this should be done when you first worked in their home.

All of this is possible with effective email marketing with a good email responder company. To learn more, Click Here. (coming soon)

Holistic Healers and Email Marketing

If you have a holistic healing business of any kind, you definitely need a newsletter. If you counsel people in health about nutrition, if you give hands on healing, there is a lot you can talk about. Here are some topics you can use to put in your email:

How your therapy was founded

People who benefited from...

Testimonials of people

Different aliment clients had who are now feeling better

Description of the different techniques you use

Q & A

Your life experience

About your office and staff

What your clients can do on their own

And, if this wasn't enough, you can inform your clients about the following:

The next group session

Monthly meeting

The convention that you will be going to

New Products

Discounts on products

Effectiveness of product X

The new book you just wrote

With your newsletter you can really connect with your clients. You can do this by answering questions they might have. If a client calls you up on the phone or when they are in your office, you can write down their question. If they ask a question on your website, you can answer it in your newsletter, too. Not only will the person who asked the question appreciate it but so will your readers.

If you are in the holistic business, take time out now and write down about the different topics you can share with others. Then, specifically write a couple of full emails. Now, I understand you might not be comfortable about writing, but now is the time to start. And keep in mind, this websites will have more and more tips on how to do about everything you can think of when it comes to marketing your business with your new holistic newsletter.


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