Saturday 21 October 2017

How to Pack Punch To Your Emails

How to Pack Punch To Your Emails

You should have a short snappy headlines to your email. With all the rubbish and noise out there, you have to grab the attention of your subscriber fast. How do you do that? Here are some ways.

Instead of using words to everything add a picture; a picture that conveys emotion. A picture that connects with your reader and one that they can relate to. What would that be in the products you sell or the service you provide?

Here is one from PayPal. This implies that you will be able to spend more time with your family or doing the things you rather do. It implies saving time and money.

What do you have in your business that saves your customer time or money? What picture could you use? Or, what would have to be in the picture to convey that message?

Use powerful words.

Think of word that paint a mental image and that your reader can follow along.

Experiment with words you wouldn’t normally use in your next email, and be specific about the benefits a reader would gain. Use words that create mental pictures, and don’t be afraid to try ones that are unusual.

Use a little humour, too. With the right joke, you audience will enjoy it. If you can relate it to your business or a current event it would be good. You can draw readers in and with a good joke, it'll do it.

Use more pictures to describe you products instead of words. A couple of pictures will make your email short and to the point.

Use descriptive adjectives when writing, including what you put in your subject line. Here is an example: a charming home, a warm cosy fire, the fine aroma of a good wine. And then follow that with more descriptions that makes your reader to into their minds as they follow along.

Challenge yourself and write some emails that are 200 words long. See what you can describe with a short email. This is not to imply that every email should be around 200 words, some need to be longer. But don't think you have to write a long email in order to convince someone to buy from you.

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